Join the Democratize, Divest, and Decolonize Campaign
After 10 years of demonstrations, petitions, assemblies, referendums (and more!) for fossil fuel divestment, the undemocratic Board of Governors refuses to act and, instead, is a soapbox for corporate greed and colonial extractivism.
"We are tired of demanding change from those who never intended on listening...We will prefigure a democratically-led university.​​​​​​​..We are occupying McGill to create a festive, autonomous space...which belongs to all rather than to the corporate elite".
Students are asking for the community to show its support by coming out to events (all taking place onsite in the Arts building starting March 7th), supporting the occupation on social media, speaking out and organizing direct democracy within your own networks to democratize and divest NOW!
What you can do:
1) Fight for Divestment, write (link to email template) to the Board of Governors.
2) Sign the Petition for McGill's Divestment from TC Energy.
3) Join us in the Arts Building to #OccupyMcGill and make your voice heard for democratization and divestment.
4) Join the Democratize McGill coalition or sign up for our email list

We always welcome new ideas!
Follow our Facebook page for updates on our weekly meetings, upcoming events, and special projects. And don’t miss our “DM 101” presentations at the beginning of each semester! They’ll help you get an idea of what we do and how you can get involved!
Feel free to contact us with any suggestions or questions!
How we operate:
We are a non-hierarchical group—we collaborate within working groups and through specific projects with everyone’s voices being equal in decision-making.
Our current teams and tasks include:
Outreach and Mobilization
Organizing rallies, tabling, Fossil Free Week, etc.
Acting as spokespeople, managing our web presence, and preparing press releases or op-eds.
Keeping up to date with all of the latest findings, research, and related initiatives that can help strengthen our cause. Additionally, we look at meeting documents, reports, and statements from the McGill administration to make sure we know where they stand.
Contact with administration
Maintaining Alumni Networks
Making sure motivated alumni are with us in our fight for climate justice by organizing events thethe “Diploma Returning Ceremony” we did in 2016.
Liaising with the McGill Faculty and Librarians For Divestment (MFL4D), as well as with other campus and community campaigns like Divest Concordia, Désinvestissons UdM, Divest Mount-Allison, 350.org, and more!